Different addictions relate to different parts of our subtle energy system. Understanding this will give you a place to start when choosing to working with your subtle energy. Its one of my favourite methods as it is body centered and gentle.
What exactly is the subtle energy system of your body?
Subtle energy includes your emotions, thoughts, sensation, shifts, mind and the ego. Ego is your sense of self-esteem; it mediates between the conscious and unconscious. We can access our subtle energy through practices such as yoga, breathwork and meditation. In our subtle energy system there are seven main energy centers called chakra’s, you may have heard of them before.
Why it’s important to work with your subtle energy?
Everything around us is made of matter and energy, including the human body.
Matter = anything that takes up space and energy = the ability to move matter or do work.
We have:
o physical energy (how healthy are we?)
o emotional energy (how happy are we?)
o mental energy (how well we can focus on something?)
o spiritual energy (why are we doing all this?)
A healthy subtle energy system will move our body more effectively = physical health.
Different addictions cause different states of being and are therefore related to different aspect of your being and different energy centers.
This is a guide to which addiction relates to which energy center (EC):
1. Root Chakra or Muladhara is the first EC: Food, gambling, shopping and work
2. Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana is the second EC: Alcohol, sex and heroin
3. Solar Plexus or Manipura third EC: Stimulants such as cocaine, caffeine, work, amphetamines or anger
4. Heart Chakra or Anahata is the fourth EC: Smoking tobacco, sugar, love and marijuana
5. Throat Chakra or Vissudha is the five EC: Opiates, marijuana
6. Third Eye Chakra or Ajna is the sixth EC: Hallucinogens and marijuana
7. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is the seventh EC: Religion and spiritual practices
Our different energy centers relate to different aspects of ourselves:
1. Our physical identity and self-preservations and our right to be here
2. Our emotional identity and self-gratification and our right to feel
3. Our ego identity and self-definition and our right to act
4. Our ego identity and self-acceptance and our right to love
5. Our creative identity and self-expression and our right to speak
6. Our archetypal identity and self-reflection and our right to see
7. Our universal identity and self-knowledge and our right to know
Stimulants or depressants work with your third energy center which relates to self-definition and you right to act. This is the energy center of your personal power and confidence and its counter force is shame.
Alcohol works with your second energy center which is our emotional identity, relating to our self-gratification and the right to feel. Alcohol lowers our inhibition and numbs feelings but also leaves us with little memory of our grandeur.
Excessive eating can be one of three things:
1. an attempt to ground us which is our first energy center associated with self-preservation and our right to be here
2. a desire to feel pleasure which is our second energy center associated with self-gratification and our right to feel
3. a way to console our anger which is our third energy center associated with self-definition and our right act
I am sure you might be working with your subtle energy system already and you didnt even realise it. Many eastern healing practices such as Tai Chi, acupuncture, reflexology and Yoga all work with your subtle energy. Find something that takes your fancy and explore understanding addiction through the lens of the subtle energy system.